Transverse Spin Asymmetries in Run12 pp200

--------------[Relative Luminosity]----------------------------------------------------------------

I recently downloaded scaler data for the transverse pp200 period of run12. Because of a lack of scaler input documentation, I do not know if any boards were configured to provide luminosity measurements, which are essential in computing relative luminosity. As a first step toward extracting single and double transverse spin asymmetries during this running period, I followed the scaler input documentation for the subsequent longitudinal pp500 period and used board 12 output. Details of the relative luminosity calculation for this running period are found at the link below, but that page may be updated.

EDIT: It turns out that Board 12 bits are individual BBCW tiles, meaning all the scaler bit combinations I've considered are combinations of various BBCW tiles. At the time of this edit, I'm looking at data from other boards, since I now have the documentation. The link below to the relative luminosity page will be updated as analysis proceeds. I am, however, going to keep the asymmetry plots below the same (for documenting progress); I will make a new, similar drupal post after the relative luminosity analysis is updated.


--------------[Event Classes & Kinematics]----------------------------------------------------------------

  • Single γ Cuts
    • Photon multiplicity -- Nγ == 1
  • π0 Cuts
    • Photon multiplicity -- Nγ == 2
    • Triger mask -- TrigBits & 0x200 == 1  (n.b. 0x200~jet1; 0x400~jet2)
    • Energy sharing -- Z < 0.8
    • Mass Cut -- | M12-0.135 | < 0.1
    • Not kicked from rellum analysis -- kicked == 0
  • 3 or more Photons Cuts
    • Photon multiplicity -- Nγ > 2



The fit equations are defined as:

--------------[pT dependence]-------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------[E dependence]-------------------------------------------------------------------------