Pythia6 Xsections, pp embeeding into p+Au 200 GeV 2015 collisions
The cross sections are in the attached file. To generate them (assuming access to the grep-like tool ripgrep on RCAS) do:
rg "All included subprocesses" -g `ls /star/embed/log/Pythia6*_4??_20184801/log/*.log` > Xsec_log_lines
And then can run the following script:
data = dict()
weighted = dict()
with open("Xsec_log_lines",'r') as f_in:
for L in f_in:
A = L.split('_')
key = (int(A[1][2:]),int(A[2]))
A = L.split()
nevents = int(A[7])
Xsection = float(A[10].replace("D","E"))
if key in data:
weighted[key][0] += nevents
weighted[key][1] += nevents*Xsection
data[key] = [(nevents,Xsection),]
weighted[key] = [nevents, nevents*Xsection]
# print to intermediate file:
with open("Xsec-nEvents",'w') as f_out:
keys = data.keys()
for K in keys:
f_out.write('pthatrange: %-4i - %-i\n'%(K[0],K[1]))
for val in data[K]:
f_out.write("%i %g\n"%(val[0],val[1]))
# print weighted values:
with open('Xsec-pythia.txt','w') as f_out:
keys = weighted.keys()
f_out.write("(pthatrange) nevents weighted-Xsection\n")
for K in keys:
f_out.write(" %2i,%2i, %8i, %16g\n" %(K[0],K[1],weighted[K][0], weighted[K][1]/weighted[K][0]))
- djs232's blog
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