Update 02.23.2018 -- Run 9 pp Efficiency: Efficiency Using 'idTruth'
This is a follow-up to yesterday's post:
There I intended to gauge the effect of requiring 'idTruth > 0' (indicating that the detector level track in question was successfully matched to a generated particle). However, I changed the numerator of the ratio between having no requirement on 'idTruth' (the left panel of the 1st plot in the link above) and requiring 'idTruth > 0' (the right panel of the 1st plot). In the former case, the numerator was all charged particles which fell inside of our acceptance (pTtrk > 0.2 GeV/c and |eta| < 1) that were stored in the '*.geant.root' files. While in the latter case, the numerator was all particles which fell inside of our acceptance that were stored in the 'StMuMcTrack' branch of the MuDst.
I redid the calculation now requiring that 'idTruth > 0' for the detector level tracks, and using the charged particles stored in the '*.geant.root' file as my numerator. The effect of requiring a match on the efficiency can be seen in the two plots below. The numerator is the same in all cases.
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