Update 05.03.2019 -- Run 9 pp: Jet Comparisons Using SAME Tracking Efficiency Between Pythia8 and Pythia6

[Recorded on 05.14.2019] Now, we finally determined that the detector response differs between our standalone Pythia8 simulation and the official STAR Run 9 Pythia6 simulation:


Most likely, because I wasn't calculating the tracking efficiency correctly (the results of this calculation go in our Pythia8 simulation). So I grabbed the detector-to-particle ratio from the Pythia6 (pi0-trigger) and used that as the de-facto "tracking efficiency" in the Pythia8 simulation. Now, by design, the detector-to-particle ratios between Pythia8 and Pythia6 should be (within errors) close to identical.

The track distributions I'll show in another post soon, but here are the jets.