Update 05.10.2018 -- Run 9 Embedding: Charged Hadron Triggers, Jet Comparisons
Previously, I checked how the track and tower distributions agree between pi0-triggered data (Run 9 L2gamma) and charged hadron-triggered embedding (Run 9 dijet sample):
Below are comparisons between various jet-level (R = 0.3, charged) quantities. First is the RFF configuration:
And the FF configuration:
Note: the no. of triggers per bin of partonic pT differs slightly between the studies I linked to above and this one. This is due to minor differences in how I implemented the trigger cuts between the code that did track/tower comparisons and the jet-finding code. The numbers below are more "correct"...
partonic pT [GeV/c] | RFF | FF |
(4, 5) | 1 | 0 |
(5, 7) | 5 | 2 |
(7, 9) | 36 | 37 |
(9, 11) | 204 | 163 |
(11, 15) | 628 | 463 |
(15, 25) | 2807 | 2419 |
(25, 35) | 7557 | 8762 |
> 35 | 3855 | 4455 |
total | 15093 | 12291 |
data (pi0) | 18426 | n/a |
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