Jet Test Production

Below is a brief summary of the amount of disk space needed to produce a test production of the st_physics stream for run 13

File Name Size
daq 1.7 Gb
MuDst 547 Mb

The file sizes were obtained in the following: 
I checked some daq file in /star/data03/daq/2013 and all that were checked were 1.7 GB

a MuDst was produced using the following command
root4star -b -q -l bfc.C\(1000,\"DbV20131223\ pp2013a\ btof\ VFPPVnoCTB\ beamline\ BEmcChkStat\ Corr4\ OSpaceZ2\ OGridLeak3D\ \-hitfilt\",\"/star/data03/daq/2013/083/14083002/st_physics_14083002_raw_0350001.daq\"\)

under the SL14a lib

and then jet trees were produced using the JetFinder for from Zilong.  All files can be found here: /star/data01/pwg/dolv719/production_test.  For run 12 the jet trees ranged from a few 100 kb to tens of Mb, and for this seems to hold true for the one run with 1000 events produced for run 13, the jets.root was 111 kb and the skim.root was 32 kb.

For the jet test production I have prepared a list of 502 Runs.  If we estimate all MuDst's around 0.6 Gb, that would be 301.2 Gb, plus space for log files (for the W stream this took about 1 GB) so 350 Gb to be safe.  If we produce the daq files the same way as the W stream, moving 100 on disk then off, that would be 170 Gb, so feel 200 Gb would be enough, for a total of 550 Gb.