Current Run 13 Simulation Chains

For pure simulation  (no embedding) the chain options are:

period 1

"tpcRS, y2013_2c, AgML, usexgeom, MakeEvent, ITTF, Sti, NoSsdIt, NoSvtIt, Idst, BAna, l0, Tree, logger, genvtx, tpcDB, TpcHitMover, TpxClu, bbcSim, btofsim, tags, emcY2, eemcDb, EEfs, evout, -dstout, IdTruth, GeantOut, big, fzin, sdt20130506.085536"

period 2

"tpcRS, y2013_1c, AgML, usexgeom, MakeEvent, ITTF, Sti, NoSsdIt, NoSvtIt, Idst, BAna, l0, Tree, logger, genvtx, tpcDB, TpcHitMover, TpxClu, bbcSim, btofsim, tags, emcY2, eemcDb, EEfs, evout, -dstout, IdTruth, GeantOut, big, fzin, sdt20130506.085536")

For the embedding sample:

period 1

"DbV20140222 pp2013a Sti AgML mtdDat btof fmsDat VFPPVnoCTB useBTOF4Vtx beamline BEmcChkStat Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -evout -hitfilt")

period 2

"DbV20140222 pp2013b Sti AgML mtdDat btof fmsDat VFPPVnoCTB useBTOF4Vtx beamline BEmcChkStat Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -evout -hitfilt"

Period 1 uses geometry tag y2013_2c
Period 2 uses geometry tag y2013_1c