Run 13 MC simulation

To get things moving forward on the run run 13 analysis, I've been playing around with the simulation code, trying to produce events as a first step towards an embedding request.  I'm doing things in the following order.

  1. Run kumac, get .fzd files
  2. Run bfcSpin.C, get relevant .root files (.MuDst.root & .geant.root)
  3. Run sim Jet Tree maker
  4. Run Di-jet maker

I'm currently running all the above steps in batch submission mode, just as a check to make sure that code is working, plus by breaking it up into smaller bits it makes running the bfcSpin macro a little faster.  The remaining discusion will exclude the Di-jet part, since once things are working at the jet level, making the di-jet trees is pretty simple.

I'm able to view pT, eta, ... distrubtions at both the MuDst and jet level, but all the trigger Id information doesn't seem to be there.  I ran my jet tree reader code over my sample and none of my trigger histograms were filled.  At the moment I'm not sure if this is a problem with my bfcSpin.C code or my jet tree maker code?  

Code locations:

I put the kumac, bfc macro and jet maker in a seperate directory for ease of copying, also included is the exact StRoot/ setup


output and log

output and log

Jet Trees
output and log