Run-11 Transverse Jets Test: Run 12059009 in Trigger Bins (part II)

It appears that the jet-trigger and high-tower-trigger histograms are identical. Pibero has suggested comparing histograms of individual triggers to see if all events pass the triggers. So, I have modified the macro, now, to histogram only one of the triggers for analysis. I have run the macro separetly for each of the following triggers:

  1. JP0 (320600)
  2. JP1 (320601)
  3. JP2*L2JetHigh (320602)
  4. AJP (320603)
  5. BHT1 (320501)
  6. BHT2 (320503)
  7. BHT0*VPDMB (320504)
  8. BBCMB (320103)
  9. VPDMB (320001)

(I use the above indexing property occasionally in this blog). As it turns out, 0-5 are identical, while 6-8 exhibit substantial differences.

Figure 1: Number of Events with a Jet Satisfying Trigger

So, you can see that an equal number of events contained triggering jets from 0-5. Fewer events contain triggering jets from 6-8. As you can see from the following plots, the histograms from jets triggered by 0-5 are identical.

Jet Triggers

Figure 2: JP0

Figure 3: JP1

Figure 4: JP2*L2JetHigh

Figure 5: AJP

High-tower Triggers

Figure 6: BHT1

Figure 7: BHT2

Figure 8: BHT0*VPDMB

Min-bias Triggers

Figure 9: BBCMB

Figure 10: VPDMB