Run-11 Transverse Jets: First Look at Sivers (Run 12046105)

The spin database has not been loaded for Run-11 transverse. In the meantime, I have implemented a spin-sorting by hand, as I did with my Run-8 analysis. As a first look at spin effects, I have computed AN for jets fulfilling the previously discussed trigger definitions. I have run over the jet trees for run 12046105.

Figure 1

In Fig. 1, I show the jet AN prior to correcting for polarization. For each pT, I calculate the "up/down" cross ratio as a function of φS, defined as the azimuthal angle of the spin vector relative to the jet. I have, here, restricted myself to forward scattered jets, i.e. xF > 0 and made use of both the blue and yellow beams. For yellow-beam jets, I have calculated φS by first rotating the jet momentum vector by 180º about the y-axis. This is done to transform from STAR coordinates to the coordinate system where the yellow beam defines positive z. I histogram, separately, φS as a function of pT for each trigger, hemisphere, spin-state, xF-bin, and top/bottom hemisphere. Statistics are fairly limited, and we don't expect to see a non-zero asymmetry, anyway. I do not at first glance see anything unexpected. I have checked that the xF < 0 asymmetries summing over the triggers are consistent with 0.