Run-11 Transverse Jets: Embedding Needs (version 1)

Here, I begin to calculate my needs for an embedding request. I begin with information from Run-6 Monte Carlo as outlined in Pibero's TAMU webpage. I note that the linked webpage does not reflect the final request, and thus following this model may be problematic. It is nonetheless a place to start.

Table 1

2006 Monte Carlo Request
partonic pT [GeV] Nevents cross section [mb] weight
3-4 690000 1.287000e+00 1.548130e+08
4-5 686000 3.117000e-01 3.771297e+07
5-7 398000 1.360000e-01 2.836181e+07
7-9 420000 2.305000e-02 4.555119e+06
9-11 414307 5.494000e-03 1.100638e+06
11-15 420000 2.228000e-03 4.402952e+05
15-25 397200 3.895000e-04 8.139098e+04
25-35 400000 1.016000e-05 2.108200e+03
35-45 120000 5.299000e-07 3.665142e+02
45-55 118000 2.851000e-08 2.005364e+01
55-65 120000 1.449000e-09 1.002225e+00

Table 1 shows the 2006 simulation request used as the starting point for estimating the 2009 inclusive jet request. For the current request I need to verify that I do not need to go below 3 GeV/c in partonic pT to cover my needs for the 5-6 GeV/c reconstructed jet bin. If I need to go to 2 GeV/c or below, the numbers could change quite a bit.

Table 2

2006 Monte Carlo Jet Yields
  Reconstructed pT [GeV/c]  
Partonic pT [GeV/c] 6-7.1 7.1-8.4 8.4-9.9 9.9-11.7 11.7-13.8 13.8-16.3 16.3-19.2 19.2-22.7 22.7-26.8 26.8-31.6 31.6-37.3 Partonic Sum ⟨Njets
3-4 506 393 156 62 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1129 0.001636232
4-5 1071 1003 555 217 45 10 6 0 0 0 0 2907 0.004237609
5-7 1703 1654 1163 574 169 31 1 0 0 0 0 5295 0.01330402
7-9 4504 6074 5468 3221 1265 335 51 6 1 0 0 20925 0.049821429
9-11 6747 12269 14532 11767 5460 1868 355 82 5 1 0 53086 0.128132037
11-15 7000 15432 24895 30465 22994 10828 2957 593 70 2 0 115236 0.274371429
15-25 4803 10916 20063 36499 51895 53818 34852 15119 3776 533 54 232328 0.584914401
25-35 3003 5564 7568 14407 26674 47155 74148 103715 95576 45069 9709 432588 1.08147
35-45 759 1250 1459 2361 3950 6701 11100 19031 30158 40383 36218 153370 1.278083333
45-55 700 1021 1092 1847 2656 4076 6394 10394 17112 27954 41368 114614 0.971305085
55-65 637 860 983 1477 2162 3259 4608 6937 10976 18038 29064 79001 0.658341667
Reco. Sum 31433 56436 77934 102897 117282 128081 134472 155877 157674 131980 116413    

Table 2 shows the raw jet yields for each bin of partonic and reconstructed pT. The basic idea is to estimate the uncertainty on the mean "true" pT for each reconstructed pT bin given the statistics from Run-6. I can, then, scale the partonic pT bins to achieve the desired statistics and use the result to estimate the number of events I will need for my study.

ROOT uses the following expression to calculate the uncertainty on the mean:


For the time being I will assume an RMS of 7 GeV/c for a conservative estimate of all reconstructed pT bins. Table 3 shows the estimated uncertainty of the mean under the current assumption.

Table 3

Estimated Uncertainty of the Mean for Bins of Reconstructed pT [GeV/c] Given Statistics of the Run-6 Request
6-7.1 7.1-8.4 8.4-9.9 9.9-11.7 11.7-13.8 13.8-16.3 16.3-19.2 19.2-22.7 22.7-26.8 26.8-31.6 31.6-37.3
0.039482544 0.029465915 0.025074631 0.021822107 0.020440069 0.019559407 0.019088953 0.01772993 0.017628607 0.019268326 0.020516218

In each bin, the estimated uncertainty appears to be smaller than my current needs. Thus, it may be possible to request even fewer events than the Run-6 request.

Table 4

Run-6 Weighted Jet Yields
  Reconstructed pT [GeV/c]  
Partonic pT [GeV/c] 6-7.1 7.1-8.4 8.4-9.9 9.9-11.7 11.7-13.8 13.8-16.3 16.3-19.2 19.2-22.7 22.7-26.8 26.8-31.6 31.6-37.3 Partonic Sum
3-4 7.58E+10 5.84E+10 1.43E+10 4.18E+09 6.89E+08 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.53E+11
4-5 3.88E+10 3.63E+10 1.22E+10 3.60E+09 5.87E+08 1.38E+08 4.16E+07 0 0 0 0 9.17E+10
5-7 4.58E+10 4.52E+10 1.88E+10 7.10E+09 1.78E+09 2.56E+08 1.78E+06 0 0 0 0 1.19E+11
7-9 1.97E+10 2.64E+10 1.42E+10 6.54E+09 2.30E+09 5.88E+08 1.05E+08 2.14E+07 1.04E+05 0 0 6.99E+10
9-11 7.10E+09 1.29E+10 8.96E+09 5.84E+09 2.45E+09 9.02E+08 2.23E+08 5.68E+07 3.07E+06 8.62E+05 0 3.85E+10
11-15 2.95E+09 6.49E+09 6.00E+09 6.15E+09 4.43E+09 2.29E+09 7.36E+08 1.76E+08 2.38E+07 7.39E+05 0 2.93E+10
15-25 3.74E+08 8.49E+08 8.57E+08 1.39E+09 2.07E+09 2.45E+09 1.86E+09 9.18E+08 2.51E+08 3.82E+07 3.92E+06 1.11E+10
25-35 6.02E+06 1.12E+07 7.25E+06 1.50E+07 3.24E+07 6.71E+07 1.19E+08 1.81E+08 1.75E+08 8.47E+07 1.89E+07 7.17E+08
35-45 2.64E+05 4.40E+05 2.12E+05 4.44E+05 9.08E+05 1.81E+06 3.31E+06 6.04E+06 9.96E+06 1.35E+07 1.25E+07 4.94E+07
45-55 1.33E+04 1.93E+04 8.07E+03 1.92E+04 3.49E+04 6.20E+04 1.06E+05 1.83E+05 3.11E+05 5.13E+05 7.81E+05 2.05E+06
55-65 6.16E+02 8.22E+02 3.61E+02 7.79E+02 1.43E+03 2.52E+03 3.93E+03 6.21E+03 1.01E+04 1.68E+04 2.77E+04 7.12E+04

Table 4 contains the weighted jet yields according to Pibero's webpage. These are from weighting the yields and combing JP1 and JP2 with relative fractions from the data. This obviously will be different from Run-11 triggers, but perhaps it will suffice to be informative for my request.

Table 5

Reconstructed pT Scale for Desired Precision
6-7.1 7.1-8.4 8.4-9.9 9.9-11.7 11.7-13.8 13.8-16.3 16.3-19.2 19.2-22.7 22.7-26.8 26.8-31.6 31.6-37.3
0.6235485 0.347296052 0.251494855 0.190481744 0.167118569 0.153028162 0.14575525 0.125740167 0.124307115 0.14850735 0.168366076

With a goal of σ(Mean) = 0.05, Table 5 shows the required scales for the reconstructed jet yields.

Table 6

Run-6 Scaled and Weighted Jet Yields
  Reconstructed pT [GeV/c]  
Partonic pT [GeV/c] 6-7.1 7.1-8.4 8.4-9.9 9.9-11.7 11.7-13.8 13.8-16.3 16.3-19.2 19.2-22.7 22.7-26.8 26.8-31.6 31.6-37.3 Partonic Sum
3-4 4.73E+10 2.03E+10 3.59E+09 7.96E+08 1.15E+08 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.20E+10
4-5 2.42E+10 1.26E+10 3.07E+09 6.85E+08 9.82E+07 2.12E+07 6.06E+06 0 0 0 0 4.07E+10
5-7 2.86E+10 1.57E+10 4.72E+09 1.35E+09 2.97E+08 3.91E+07 2.59E+05 0 0 0 0 5.07E+10
7-9 1.23E+10 9.18E+09 3.57E+09 1.25E+09 3.84E+08 9.00E+07 1.53E+07 2.69E+06 1.29E+04 0 0 2.68E+10
9-11 4.43E+09 4.48E+09 2.25E+09 1.11E+09 4.10E+08 1.38E+08 3.25E+07 7.14E+06 3.82E+05 1.28E+05 0 1.29E+10
11-15 1.84E+09 2.26E+09 1.51E+09 1.17E+09 7.40E+08 3.50E+08 1.07E+08 2.22E+07 2.96E+06 1.10E+05 0 8.00E+09
15-25 2.33E+08 2.95E+08 2.15E+08 2.65E+08 3.46E+08 3.74E+08 2.70E+08 1.15E+08 3.12E+07 5.68E+06 6.60E+05 2.15E+09
25-35 3.76E+06 3.87E+06 1.82E+06 2.86E+06 5.41E+06 1.03E+07 1.73E+07 2.28E+07 2.17E+07 1.26E+07 3.18E+06 1.06E+08
35-45 1.64E+05 1.53E+05 5.33E+04 8.45E+04 1.52E+05 2.76E+05 4.82E+05 7.60E+05 1.24E+06 2.01E+06 2.10E+06 7.47E+06
45-55 8.32E+03 6.71E+03 2.03E+03 3.66E+03 5.83E+03 9.48E+03 1.55E+04 2.30E+04 3.86E+04 7.63E+04 1.31E+05 3.21E+05
55-65 3.84E+02 2.86E+02 9.08E+01 1.48E+02 2.40E+02 3.86E+02 5.72E+02 7.80E+02 1.26E+03 2.49E+03 4.66E+03 1.13E+04

Table 6 shows the weighted jet yields, now, scaled by the values in Table 5. The far-right-hand column reflects the jet yields summed across reconstructed jet bins.

Table 7

Partonic pT [GeV/c] RATIO Event Estimate
3-4 4.70E-01 3.24E+05
4-5 4.44E-01 3.04E+05
5-7 4.26E-01 1.70E+05
7-9 3.83E-01 1.61E+05
9-11 3.35E-01 1.39E+05
11-15 2.73E-01 1.15E+05
15-25 1.95E-01 7.73E+04
25-35 1.47E-01 5.89E+04
35-45 1.51E-01 1.82E+04
45-55 1.56E-01 1.85E+04
55-65 1.59E-01 1.90E+04
Estimated Total 1.40E+06

Table 7 shows the ratio of scaled to weighted partonic jet yields summed across reconstructed jet bins. The estimated number of required events is then the product of the ratio and the original Run-6 request. The overall total is shown in blue. Again, this table does not include a 2-3 GeV/c bin. One such bin was included for the 2009 analysis, and it would be no surprise if it is needed, here.

Figure 1

In Fig. 1 I show the normalized distribution of reconstructed jet pT for each bin of partonic pT. The black points are the 2006 jets as described in Table 4, normalized to sum to unity. The red crosses are the existing embedding data for the 2011 analysis (generated for 2009 dijets), again, normalized to sum to unity. The shapes in the overlapping bins appear to be quite similar, beginning to diverge noticeably by the 55-65 GeV/c bin.