Run-11 Transverse Jets: Embedding Needs (version 2)

ROOT uses the following expression to calculate the uncertainty on the mean:


The assumptions, here, are that the above expression holds for calculating the pT-shift uncertainty and that to obtain a reasonable estimate of my statistics needs I can scale the weighted reconstructed pT yields by


to obtain the target yields.

Figure 1

In Fig. 1 I show the normalized distribution of reconstructed jet pT for each bin of partonic pT. The black solid points are the 2006 jets normalized to sum to unity. The black open points are the 2009 jets normalized to sum to unity. The red crosses are the existing embedding data for the 2011 analysis (generated for 2009 dijets), again, normalized to sum to unity. The shapes in the overlapping bins appear to be quite similar, beginning to diverge noticeably by the 55-65 GeV/c bin.