Run-11 Transverse Jets: R050 Results
Updated on Tue, 2014-12-16 03:10. Originally created by drach09 on 2014-10-20 15:25.
Here, I post updated results using the new cone radius of R = 0.5. Results are still preliminary in a few ways:
- Verify three-Gaussian fits to nσ(π) distributions are robust
- Revisit trigger-bias estimates
- Still need maximized projections from the Torino group for Collins-like
From discussions with the jet group, the plan would be to include Figs. 1-3 in the paper and convert Figs. 4-5 to a single table. After observing the large Collins asymmetry, the high-pT Collins vs. jT will be promoted to a figure.
Figure 1: Inclusive Jet Azimuthal Asymmetry
Could think about quoting mean η rather than range of η. Also, I will check with Koichi Kanazawa for updated theory curves.
Figure 2: Collins(-like) Asymmetry vs. z
Aside from that listed above these should be close to ready.
Figure 3: Collins-like Asymmetry vs. z for Low pT, jet
To do:
- Try to obtain theoretical predition for maximized scenario
- Verify trigger bias estimate
Figure 4: Collins(-like) Asymmetry vs. pT
To do:
- Verify trigger bias estimate (currently using what was determined for Inclusive jet asymmetry vs. pT
Figure 5: Collins-like Asymmetry vs. pT, jet for Low z
To do:
- Try to obtain theoretical predition for maximized scenario (should be ~2% or so)
- Verify trigger bias estimate (currently using what was determined for Inclusive jet asymmetry vs. pT)
Figure 6: Collins Asymmetry vs. jT in Bins of z and pT, jet
To do:
- Recalculate for new cuts (aside from high-pT)
- Real average z for each bin (aside from high-pT, currently just the center of the detector-z bin)
- See if I can reduce "horizontal" uncertainty on first jT bin of low-pT, z ~ 0.25 and next-to-last jT bin of low-pT, z ~ 0.55
- Verify trigger bias estimate (currently using what was determined for Inclusive jet asymmetry vs. pT
Figure 7: Collins-like Asymmetry vs. jT in Bins of z and pT, jet
To do:
- Recalculate for new hadron radius cut
- Real average z for each bin (currently just the center of the detector-z bin)
- Decide what to do about lowest-jT π+ point of high-pT, z ~ 0.15, η < 0 bin (-0.074±0.026) -- Plan to drop these bins!
- See if I can reduce "horizontal" uncertainty on first jT bin of low-pT, z ~ 0.25 and next-to-last jT bin of low-pT, z ~ 0.55
- Verify trigger bias estimate (currently using what was determined for Inclusive jet asymmetry vs. pT
- drach09's blog
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