Run-11 Transverse Jets: Trigger Threshold Scan

Renee pointed out that I really should apply the new trigger threshold in both the data and simulation. Below, I show a scan of thresholds applying the changes both to data and simulation.

Figure 1: Scan of Trigger Thresholds

Nominal+0 Nominal+3 Nominal+5

So, one sees that incrementing the thresholds in both does improve the agreement, though, perhaps not quite as much as incrementing simulation while holding data fast. The best agreement, overall, is actually at nominal+5, whereas, the best agreement holding data steady is simulation with nominal+3 (shown below).

Figure 2

In Fig. 2 I show the reduced χ2 for constant fits across the range of the lowest active bin to 55 GeV/c. From this vantagepoint, it is clear that "nominal+5" is the best for JP0. However, it is not so clear with the other triggers.

Figure 3

Nominal+3 (Embedding Only) Nominal+3 (Both) Nominal+5 (Both)