D0 Meson Tagged Jets In Au + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

Title: D0 Meson Tagged Jets In Au + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

PAs: Diptanil Roy (Rutgers), Matthew Kelsey (ex-WSU), Sevil Salur (Rutgers), Joern Putschke (WSU)

Target Journal: PRL + PRC

Short Paper:

Long Paper

Analysis Note:

PWGC Preview: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/D0Jets_Diptanil_PWGCPreview.pdf

Hard Probes Updates:
1. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/HardProbes_Update_April4_2024.pdf [Barlow Tested Systematics]
2. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/HardProbes_Nov30_2023_Diptanil.pdf [Consistency Checks for pT,D0 bins (1,5), (5, 10) and R = 0.2]
3. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/HardProbes_Aug10_Diptanil_v2.pdf [Data-driven prior]
4. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/HardProbes_AnalysisMeeting_Jun27_2023_Diptanil.pdf [Spectra in different
pT,D0 bins]
5. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/Diptanil_Roy_STAR_Collaboration_Meeting_2023.pdf [Changes to QM 2022 Preliminaries detailed here]
6. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/Kelsey_JetCorr_17Mar2022.pdf
7. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/March10_Diptanil_HFJets.pdf
8. https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/JetCorr_Embedding_Request_D0Jets_Diptanil_0.pdf

Public Presentations:
QM 2023: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1139644/contributions/5456348/attachments/2706841/4700613/QM2023_Poster_Diptanil_Roy.pdf
1. DNP 2022: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/DNP_DiptanilRoy_v4.pdf
2. Hot Quarks 2022: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/HotQuarks_DiptanilRoy_vF.pdf
3. QM 2022: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/QMTalk_DiptanilRoy_April4_v9_0.pdf
4. DNP 2021: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/DNP2021_Diptanil.pdf


Paper Proposal:
https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/D0Jets_Diptanil_ProposedFinalPlots.pdf [Updated]

QM 2022 Proceeding: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.14434

PRL AbstractProbing charm fragmentation with D0 Meson Tagged Charm Jets in Au + Au Collisions at √sNN =200 GeV

Measurements of charm jets, tagged by a D0-meson as a constituent, are presented in this Letter for 5 < pT, Jet [GeV/c] < 20 in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV collected by the STAR detector at RHIC. Jets were reconstructed with both charged and neutral particles along with the D0-meson for resolution parameters R = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 within |ηJet|< 1. - R. The D0-jet yields were measured as functions of centrality, and transverse momentum fraction (z) for the first time at RHIC energies. For R = 0.4 jets, the yields are presented in a low pT, D0 interval pT, D∈ [1-5] GeV/c and a high pT, D0 interval pT, D0 ∈ [5-10] GeV/c. The yields are found to be suppressed for hard fragmented jets (z > 0.5) in central Au + Au collisions as compared to peripheral Au + Au collisions, while the yields for soft fragmented jets (z < 0.5) are found to be consistent across centralities in the low pT, D0 interval only. Within the current resolution, no R dependence is observed for the yield suppression in the integrated pT, D0 interval pT, D0 ∈ [1-10] GeV/c. Model calculations including both collisional and radiative energy losses for heavy quarks are shown to qualitatively agree with our measurements except for soft fragmented jets in the low pT, D0 interval.

PRL Figures:

Figure 1:

Fig 1: Top panel: D0 meson tagged jet yields as a function of z = pT, D0.pT, Jet/|pT, Jet|2 for R = 0.4 in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (red circles, scaled by 100), midcentral (green squares, scaled by 10), peripheral (black triangles) in low(left) and high(right) pT, D0 bins. Middle and Bottom panels: Nuclear modification factors for central (middle) and midcentral (bottom) collisions compared to peripheral collisions.

Figure 2:

Fig 2: D0 meson tagged jet yields as a function of z = pT, D0.pT, Jet/|pT, Jet|2 for R = 0.2 (triangles, scaled by 104), R = 0.3 (square, scaled by 102), and R = 0.4 (circle, scaled by 1) in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (left panel), midcentral (middle panel), peripheral (right panel).

Figure 3:

Fig 3: Ratio of RCP as a function of z = pT, D0.pT, Jet/|pT, Jet|2 for R = 0.4 and R = 0.2 (left panel) and R = 0.4 and R = 0.3 (right panel) in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV.

PRL Conclusions:

•First measurement of transverse momentum fraction (z) for tagged D0 jets at RHIC energies.
•Yields for central suppressed for jets with z > 0.5 as compared to peripheral.
•Yields for central consistent with peripheral for jets with z < 0.5 for low D0 pT.
•No jet cone size dependence within current resolution. Agreement with models.
•Disagreement with models at low z for low D0 pT.

PRC Abstract: Centrality and Transverse Momentum Dependence of D0 Meson Tagged Charm Jets and D0 Meson Radial Profile in Au + Au Collisions at √sNN =200 GeV

Measurements of D0 meson tagged jets that are reconstructed with anti-kT sequential algorithm are presented for the first time in  in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV. The data was collected by the STAR experiment including its Heavy Flavor Tracker - a silicon based detector designed to improve secondary vertex resolution. The D0-jet yields are presented as functions of centrality and pT, Jet for 5 < pT, Jet [GeV/c] < 20 and Jet|< 0.6 for R = 0.4 jets in differential pT,D0 bins - [1-5] GeV/c and [5-10] GeV/c. The yield for jets tagged with low pT D0 mesons is found to be consistent across centralities as a function of pT, Jet. Jets tagged with high pT D0 mesons show significant suppression in central compared to peripheral collisions. Within the current uncertainties, the level of jet quenching is found to be consistent across cone sizes R = 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 for the integrated pT,D0 interval - pT,D0 ∈ [1-10] GeV/c. Furthermore, no modification for radial profile of D0 mesons is observed for both low and high pT D0 mesons in R = 0.4 jets. Model calculations that include both collisional and radiative energy losses for heavy quarks qualitatively agree with our measurements.

PRC Figures:

Figure 1:

Fig 1: Invariant mass distribution M for 1 < p
T,  < 10 GeV/c for the integrated centrality class 0 - 80 %. Black closed circles represent the invariant mass distribution for unlike sign Kπ pairs. The blue curve is the Gaussian (signal) plus a third order polynomial function (combinatorial background) fitted to the invariant mass distribution using an unbinned extended likelihood method. The signal (background) distribution is shown separately using the green (red) curve.

Figure 2:

Fig 2: pT,JetDet - pT,JetTruth distributions for R = 0.2 (red circles), 0.3 (green squares) and 0.4 (blue triangles) jets in Au + Au collisions in centrality classes 0 - 10 % (left), 10 - 40 % (middle), and 40 - 80 % (right) events.

Figure 3:

Fig 3: Top panel: D0 meson tagged jet yields as a function of pT, Jet for R = 0.4 in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (red circles, scaled by 100), midcentral (green squares, scaled by 10), peripheral (black triangles) in low(left) and high(right) pT, D0 bins. Middle and Bottom panels: Nuclear modification factors for central (middle) and midcentral (bottom) collisions compared to peripheral collisions.

Figure 4:

Fig 4: D0 meson tagged jet yields as a function of pT,Jet for R = 0.2 (triangles, scaled by 104), R = 0.3 (square, scaled by 102), and R = 0.4 (circle, scaled by 1) in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (left panel), midcentral (middle panel), peripheral (right panel).

Figure 5:


Fig 5: Ratio of RCP as a function of pT,Jet for R = 0.4 and R = 0.2 (left panel) and R = 0.4 and R = 0.3 (right panel) in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV.

Figure 6:

Fig 6: Top panel: Radial profile of D0 mesons in tagged jets for R = 0.4 in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (red circles), midcentral (green squares), peripheral (black triangles) in low(left) and high(right) pT, D0 bins. Middle and Bottom panels: Ratios of radial profiles for central (middle) and midcentral (bottom) collisions compared to peripheral collisions.

PRC Conclusions:
•No suppression seen for low pT D0 meson tagged jets vs Jet pT. High pT D0 meson tagged jets show significant suppression vs Jet pT.
•Radial profile is consistent with no diffusion for both low and high pT D0 mesons. Models agree with radial profile.
•Yield suppression is consistent between jets of different radii. Model predictions agree.


Figures Not Included:

Integrated pT, DInterval (pT, D∈ [1-10] GeV/c)


Fig: Top panel: D0 meson tagged jet yields as a function of z = pT, D0.pT, Jet/|pT, Jet|2 (left), pT, Jet (middle), and radial profile of D0 mesons in tagged jets for R = 0.4 in AuAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV for central (red circles, scaled by 100), midcentral (green squares, scaled by 10), peripheral (black triangles). Middle and Bottom panels: Nuclear modification factors (left and middle), and ratios of radial profiles (right) for central (middle) and midcentral (bottom) collisions compared to peripheral collisions.