AuAu 200 GeV Run14 Pythia8 Heavy Flavor Jets Simulation and Embedding

PYTHIA 8 STAR Tune ( Heavy Flavor Jet Events in 200 GeV Au+Au, VPDMB-5 && VPDMB-30 trigger, SL18f library

This simulation and embedding will help facilitate jet shape measurements for heavy flavor jets including unfolding and comparisons to an unquenched sample.

Luminosity bins :  (ZDCx) for low+mid (0-60 kHz)

  • The Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) detector need to be included in the geometry. The event vertices can be sampled from real Run14 events. 
  • The output files can be retained in both MuDst and PicoDst (with VertexVpdOrDefault).

At this point, we are seeking events in 1 pT-hard bin.

3-inf : 50 M "good" events

"Good"  events are defined by the following criteria:

  1. Must have a D0 in the event (Decay D0 in GEANT)
  2. D0 must be part of a anti-kT jet with R = 0.4 with pT > 3 GeV/c, as defined by FASTJET

This is a Pythia Simulation and the same events can be later embedded in Run14 Au+Au min-bias events.
Small sample of 5M may be needed first to do basic QA using tight track cuts which are used for high-pt and jet analyses.

Previous presentations on simulation studies for our analyses:
