Measurements of JPsi polarization in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at √(S_NN )= 200GeV at STAR
Measurements of JPsi polarization in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at √(S_NN ) 200GeV at STAR
PAs: Dandan Shen, Qian Yang, Rongrong Ma, Zebo Tang, Li Yi, Wangmei Zha
Target Journal: PLB
Paper draft:
The first measurement of inclusive J/\psi polarization at mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.8) in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at \sqrt{s_ NN} = 200 GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC is presented. J/\psi is reconstructed through its di-electron decay channel. The polarization parameters (\lambda _{\theta}, \lambda _{\phi}) are measured in both the Helicity frame and the Collins-Soper frame. These polarization parameters are found to be consistent with zero across the J/\psi transverse momentum range of 0.2 to 10 GeV/c and the event centrality range of 0-80\% in both frames, with no significant dependence on either centrality or transverse momentum. These results are also found to be consistent with similar measurements in p+p collisions and with transport model calculations.
Figure 1. The invariant mass distribution of the ee pair is shown before(blue solid circles) and after(black solid circles) subtracting the mix-event unlike-sign background (black open circles). The green curve represents a fit to the mass spectrum of J/ψ candidates. The red line indicates the residual background, crystal-ball function (green shade) used to describe the J/ψ signals. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.
Figure 2. Upper: The raw J/ψ yield and A×ϵ from the final iteration as a function of e cosθ (left) and ϕ (right) in the Helicity frame for 0.2<pT<10 GeV/c. Lower: The J/ψ yields corrected for acceptance and efficiency, along with the simultaneous fit.The counts are after arbitrary normalization.
Figure 3. Upper: The raw J/ψ yield and A×ϵ from the final iteration as a function of e cosθ (left) and ϕ (right) in the Collins-Soper frame for 0.2<pT<10 GeV/c. Lower: The J/ψ yields corrected for acceptance and efficiency, along with the simultaneous fit.The counts are after arbitrary normalization.
Figure 4. Inclusive J/ψ polarization parameters as a function of transverse momentum are compared with results obtained in pp collisions by STAR at √(S_NN )= 200 GeV in the region of |y|<0.8
Figure 5. The inclusive J/ψ polarization parameters (from top to bottom: λ_θ, λ_ϕ, λ_inv) as a function of centrality in the Helicity frame (left) and Collins-Soper frame (right). The error bars show statistical uncertainties, while the boxes represent systematic uncertainties.
Figure 6. Extracted polarization parameter for regenerated J/\psi as a function of the regenerated J/\psi fraction in the total J/\psi sample. Three different polarization values for primordial J/\psi are assumed. The bands indicate 99.74\% confidence intervals.
Table 1: The inclusive J/ψ polarization parameters in the HX and CS frames in different p_T bins measured through the di-electron channel within |y|<0.8. The first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
Table 2: The inclusive J/ψ polarization parameters in the HX and CS frames in different centrality bins measured through the di-electron channel within |y|<0.8. The first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
We have presented the first measurement of inclusive JPsi polarization in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. The JPsi polarization parameters are consistent with zero in the pT range of 0.2 to 10 GeV.c and centrality range of 0-80% for both the HX and CS frames. No significant centrality or pT dependence is observed.
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