Run14 AuAu Analysis

Blog detailing the jet substructure Run14 200 GeV AuAu analysis 

Luminosity section - PreSplit (0-30ish kHz),  low (20-40 kHz), mid (40 - 60 kHz) and high (60-100 kHz)

Event selections - |vz| < 30, |TPC_vz - VPD_vz| < 3 and HT2 or HT3 triggers

bad run list (first one from Hanseul) - also attached below

track selections - DCA < 3, NHit > 15, NhitPos > 0.52. 0.2 < pT < 30 GeV

Tower selections -  bad tower list (first one from Hanseul), with hadronic correction,

List of Analysis as PA -
1. AuAu Jet substructure (along with Joern)
2. High pT dijets - formation time and splitting phase space exploration

Slides shown at JetCorr meeting -
19th July 2019 - Run14 HT detailed QA for all 4 productions slides
9th August 2019 - Run14 Analysis status for QM slides
16th Sept 2019 - Run14 and Run12 Tracking Efficiencies for QM slides

Slides shown at WSU Group meeting -
1st July 2019 - First look at Run 14 QA slides

Slides shown at Joern's Group meeting -
19th July 2019 - Run14 QA and analysis  slides