Run 9 Dijet 5pt (new) data vs simu
These plots show 5pt data using the "new" mass definition.
Data files are located in pagebs/diJetAnalysis/jetFinderAnalysis/personalDijetTreeAnalysis/trees/akt06005_v4/strictMatching,
simu files are located in pagebs/diJetAnalysis/jetFinderAnalysis/personalDijetTreeAnalysis/trees/systematics/simu_Sys2_v4_akt06005/strictMatching,
and use the version of StRoot saved in ezarndt/dijets/StRootNew
The first plot is the newest and is not scaled in any way. The rest of the plots may look familiar.
Figure 1. Jet pt vs eta for all jets (two entries into the histogram per dijet).
There is a notable dip around eta of 1. The above plots broken into high and low jets can be found here and here. The dip in the profile plots is more apparent in the low jets, but the 2D plots of the high jets still have this feature.
The rest of the plots may look very familiar; they are the same as from previous posts, but using the new mass definition. The simu in all of following plots was all scaled by the same factor: I integrated the z-vertex distribution from both data and simu, then took the ratio between the two.
Figure 2. Eta and phi for both hi and lo jets. At high eta, simu overshoots the data.
Figure 3. Dijet mass and jet pt for hi and lo jets:
Figure 4. Dijet mass for all (top left) and then broken into barrel-barrel, barrel-endcap, and endcap-endcap dijets:
Figure 5. Ratio plots from the above dijet mass histograms. Barrel-barrel is in red, barrel-endcap is in green, and endcap-endcap is in blue. The barrel-barrel dijets have the highest ratio overall, and the endcap-endcap dijets have the lowest ratio overall. The ratio seems to increase for all types as we increase in eta, though statistics aren't great for the endcap-endcap dijets or for high eta.
These same plots for Dijet mass, but using Brian's cross-section binning instead are located here and here.
Figure 6. Jet pt broken into barrel and endcap:
Figure 7. Neutral fraction for high and low jets.
Figure 8. Neutral fraction for high and low jets, broken into barrel and endcap. Endcap simu overshoots the data for high neutral fraction.
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