Run 9 Dijet 5pt vs 12pt data comparison
The plots below compare 5pt data and 12pt data. Both sets of data are unscaled in the plots.
Note: These trees use the "old" mass definition; files are located in pagebs/diJetAnalysis/jetFinderAnalysis/personalDijetTreeAnalysis/trees/akt06005_v3 and akt06012_v3 and use the "old" StRoot saved in ezarndt/dijets/StRootOld.
First comparing eta and phi:
Dijet mass for all, barrel-barrel dijets, barrel-endcap dijets, and endcap-endcap dijets:
Jet pt for high and low jets:
The same high/low jet pt plots from above but now broken into barrel and endcap:
Neutral fraction:
Neutral fraction for high/low jets broken into barrel and endcap: The 5pt data still looks relatively good in the endcap, the 12pt data definitely show a trigger bias for high neutral fraction in the endcap.
Basically these plots confirm that 5pt data is preferred.
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