Run 9 Dijet for different massbins of different topologies
For each of the topologies, I've plotted the eta and neutral fraction distributions for each mass bin.
EEWW: barrel-barrel dijets that are either east-east or west-west
EW: barrel-barrel dijets that are east-west (or west-east)
CE: barrel-endcap dijets that are endcap-east
CW: barrel-endcap dijets that are endcap-west
CC: endcap-endcap dijets
The mass bins are defined as:
MassBin1: 16.0-19.0
MassBin2: 19.0-23.0
MassBin3: 23.0-28.0
MassBin4: 28.0-34.0
MassBin5: 34.0-41.0
MassBin6: 41.0-58.0
MassBin7: 58.0-82.0
MassBin8: 82.0-120.0
In the cases that include endcap dijets, I've broken the neutral fraction plots into barrel jets (red) and endcap jets (blue). Because of this, the topology cuts now use detector eta instead of physical eta.
East barrel: detEta < 0.0
West barrel: 0.0 <= detEta < 1.0
Endcap: 1.0 <= detEta
(only events passing -0.8 < eta < 1.8 are considered)
You can view them all side-by-side in the images linked below, or see the attached pdf that gives a whole page to each graph. I should note that each dijet has TWO entries in the eta and neutral fraction distributions (one for each jet).
Eta distributions by topology:
All dijets
Neutral frac distributions by topology:
All dijets
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