TpcRS updates, improvements on dE/dx

 The reasons for update were due to bugs # 2174 (dE/dx for electrons) and # 2189  (dE/dx for hypertriton).

The main reason was dN/dx (no. of primary electron produced per cm) which was limited by βγ range [3e-1,1e2] which causes a suturation of dE/dx for electron for high  βγ and heavy particle for low βγ

H.Bichsel has recalculated this table for range [1e-2,1e4] and the new table has solved the above problems.

There are a few more problems that will be address in the near feature:

  • z^2 dependences in dE/dx calculations on the incoming particle charge z. The calculations which we are using so far are done with z = 1. Hans is working on that.
  • There is a limitation on maximum energy trasfer from particle to electron which we can detect in TPC (very big cluster are stlitted and we lost them). Hans is working on this issue also.
  • TpcRS should be tuned for Y2011 data.  The new scheme is developed for that
    • MC has compared with data using exactly the same kinematics i.e. for MC input it is used MuDst
    • This work is in a progress right now.