Compare primary track quality from Runs 16132028 (normal parameters) and 16132032 (changed daq/ALTRO).

 Tonko took a few runs with changed daq/ALTRO parameters.
I have  compared two runs :
  16131028, normal run with standard parameters,  (tof emc eemc pp2pp bsmd esmd tpx pxl mtd ist sst gmt fps daq trg), and
  16131032, Altro theresold was increased from 3 to 4, no. of time buckets read decreased from 415 to 370, (tof emc eemc pp2pp bsmd esmd tpx pxl mtd ist sst gmt fps daq trg).

For these runs I compared  :

  • no. of good tracks at the best primary vertex,
  • no. of his on the good tracks, and
  • no. of dE/dx meaurements per track.

I don't see any significant differences.