Planarity of the membrane (cont.)

 Hejdar did the calculation for accounting delays on membrane of light from defusers. 
just add more accurate accounting shadow due to Inner Field Cage.

Taking into account light delays for diferent rafts and defusers from 


  A.Lebedev 02/11/08
  Delays for laser rafts.
  T-zero is a moment, when a laser arrived to TPC wheel surface. 
  All other numbers corresponded to time for laser light to propagate to particular raft (TPC sector). 
  Estimated error in table   0.1ns
  West:     sector             2             4         6        8             12
  Time(ns)                 10.33          3.34      6.14    13.11          17.31
  East:     sector            14            16        18       20      22     24
  Time(ns)                 19.88         12.95      5.97     3.18   10.17  17.14
  For diffusers West <=> East