2023 March-June


1, Write abstract of doctoral thesis
2, Add references for doctoral thesis
3, Take Shusu's suggestions for doctoral thesis
4, UrQMD + LL to get pp CF curves with different r0 f0 and d0,  and do fit for data

1, Using the LL curves from Fortran code to fit the pp CF from data, UrQMD+LL and UrQMD+CRAB
2, Check the LL core and CRAB core.
3, Prepare the paper figures and the slides about the latest paper proposal.

1, Update the text and figures in paper proposal slides.
2, Transfer pz into CM frame and produce new LL curves, and fit the pp CFs seperately, and fit the pp CFs simutaneously, and extract rG, f0, d0.  
3, Prepare the plots about relative r and fit to it using Gaussian source function and extract r0, and prepare the slides about the latest fitting results.