Run 10 Calibration Status (2010-06-21)

Production of the 7 and 11 GeV data sets are held for two issues:

1) Assement of TPC voltage status table (1-2 days)

       1.2) Correcting voltage status tables 

2) Readiness of PMD Calibrations

Production of 7 and 11 GeV will begin as soon as possible.


  • 7 and 11GeV:  Voltage status tables need to be QA'ed and updated (serveral weeks).
  • Low energy datasets (39, 11, 7 GeV)
    • Alignment work completed
    • Timing shift (seems related to drift velocity) issues observerd in RFF data of order 1.5 mm. Not resolving for preliminary calibrations
    • Run 9 twist calibration appears sufficient as preliminary for Run 10
    • dE/dx from 39 GeV provide the current preliminary calibration, with resolution of ~7.0-7.5%, but may be off in scale by 1-2% (aging) over the whole low energy period
    • Minimal SpaceCharge + GridLeak correction in the 39 GeV data; preliminary calibration is probably good enough for final
  • High energy datasets (200, 62 GeV)
    • Generally the same issues as low energy except:
    • Preliminary SpaceCharge + GridLeak calibs are in place
      • Tests for using TOF matching to eliminate pile-up are ongoing
    • Separate alignment for FF (200 GeV), calibrating concurrently with RFF (all energies)
    • No observed timing shift in FF (200 GeV)
    • Preliminary dE/dx for 200 GeV in place
      • No preliminary dE/dx calibration for 62 GeV (maybe only final calibration will be needed if production is a low priority)
  • After final T0 and Alignment (many weeks from now), will probably need to re-calibrate (at least re-evaluate):
    • Twist
    • SpaceCharge + GridLeak
    • dE/dx


  • 62 and 39 GeV data sets: calibration completed
  • The quality of  the calibration for 7 and 11 GeV data set were not satisfactory. Will use results from the 39 GeV calibration for the lower energy levels.
  • Production request for 200 GeV calibration has been made and completed and are awaiting calibration completion. (2-3 weeks)


  • Status tables for BEMC (used by vertex-finders for matching tracks) are preliminary only
  • Run 9 gains serve as preliminary for Run 10
  • Needs checked with a large data sample (~5M events?) once TPC is calibrated
    • Likely use whatever sample TOF uses for their final calibrations
  • Need a volunteer to take this task


  • Initial Calibrations are complete
  • Awaiting final TPC Calibrations to complete final TOF calibrations


  • Calibration for the 39GeV data as been completed. Results will be uploaded to DB soon and production of st_upc files will begin soon.
  • 200GeV and 62GeV beamline calibration is not ready to begin.
  • No upc data in 7 and 11 GeV. Study whether a beamline calibration could help vertex-finding efficiency in peripheral AuAu @ 7 GeV


  • Calibrations completed