TPC Sector Alignment QA

The TPC sector alignment (SA) 2009 calibration was performed using low luminosity data, which reduces distortions from pile-up tracks and space charge accumulation. In order to determine if the SA parameters (produced from the calibration) are accurate, we ran the bfc chain over high luminsity RFF and FF data. You can see the results of this quality analysis in the plots attached below.

The first twp plots show that sectors 5 and 6 have not properly converged to zero (sector 6 further from zero than sector 5). This being a similar result from the pp2pp data. However, we needed to change the scale of the y-axis to determine any further alignment issues.

The next two plots are for high luminosity Full-field data and they plot the rotation diff and x-shift diff vs sector number respectively. It is interesting to notice in these plots that the sector allignment values change signs for the east and west sectors.

The last two plots are the same (zoomed in) plots mentioned above except here we use RFF data. The RFF plots also has a sign change between East and West sectors (expect opposite from FF data). 

Also, it is interesting that sector 20 for FF and RFF data doesn't have the same sign as its adjacent sectors.

The are some of the observations that I see from this QA and all comments are welcome.