Run QA of pp 2009 200GeV


In order to determine the quality of a run, we determine the average of various quantities (i.e pT, Et, multiplicity, etc) vs. the runnumber.  This allows us to observe any abnormal outliers and after analysis the associate runs we can conclude on our inspection.

Trigger Setups Examined:
-    production2009_200GeV_Single
-    production2009_200GeV_High
-    production2009_200GeV_Low

Examined Triggers:

-    BBCMB: id 240120
-    BHT3: id 240530
-    JP1: id 240410 & 240411
-    L2JetHigh: id 240650 & 240651 & 240652
-    VPDMB: id 240025

The plots can be found at the attached pdf file.


Note: Vertex 1 is the primary vertex and Vertex 2 is the second vertex and both have a rank>0.

The runlist can be found here


- The charged track Vertex 2 quantities clearly show fill structure.

- The crate 5 problem for the EEMC during the beginning of the Run is an early indicator of similiarities with Pibero's Jet Quality Analysis. Still need to make further comparisons.