Update on pp500 h-/h+ and embedding Status

It was shown, from my last blog, that the 2009 pp500 RFF data contained the familiar h-/h+ ratio inconsistency across eta. Specifically, the issues lies in the seperation of the ratio in the east and west halves of the TPC.  In order to determine whether this problem calls for a reproduction, we examine if the h-/h+ ratio in an embedded simulation sample. If the data and the zero bias embedded sample demonstrates the same behavior across eta then it can be argued that a reproduction is not necessary.


The above figure indicates that the h-/h+ seperation of the east and west TPC is not evident in the produced embedding sample. However, the h-/h+ issue is a higher pT issue and therefore we repeated the calucation using a higher pT bin of 35-45 GeV.


which again shows that the embedding sample can't re-produce the h-/h+ ratio seen in data.


On another note, it was found that the magnetic field at the pythia level (filt.kumac) implemented the Full-Field setting. This of course is incorrect since all the Run 9  pp500 data uses the RFF magnetic field set-up. Therefore, we changed it to use the proper magentic field and rexamined the multiple embedding QA histograms. This can be seen at http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/gdwebb/EmbeddingQA/qa_2009_P09ig_pi+.pdf .

This change has improved the dca, nHit, and phi distribution comparison of the embedding and data samples.