Calibration status update for Run 14 AuAu datasets

  •  14.6 GeV AuAu
    • ~4 million events, sampling every production run with the st_hltgood file stream, were produced last week using the latest TPC SpaceCharge & GridLeak calibration (see M. Posik's presentation today)
      • Any feedback from QA of this sample is welcome (PWGs informed last week of its availability)
      • This sample is being used for the TPC dE/dx calibration
      • This sample is being used for the TOF calibrations
      • This sample is being used for the BTOW status table determination
        • Preferred methods for status tables (L2, emc-check runs) were not recorded during AuAu15; looking at physics files is the tertiary option
        • Low energy collisions do not provide a lot of energetic BTOW hits statistics, so this method is not as robust (lesson learned for next heavy ion running)
    • TPC hit errors remain to be done (needs ~2 days)
  • 200 GeV AuAu
    • You do not have access to view this node (L2 data available)
    • TPC Alignment is currently the critical item
      • You do not have access to view this node
      • New alignment calibration involved use of low luminosity data, which introduced dependence on the TPC SpaceCharge & GridLeak calibration
        • SC & GL calibration used was preliminary, using limited data
        • TPC group is actively trying to improve on this (see M. Posik's presentation today)
      • Inclusion of HFT in tracking has conflicts with the old TPC alignment (e.g. an unjustified global shift in the old alignment causes the PXL to cross, unphysically, inside the beampipe)
      • We will need to move forward with whatever new TPC alignment is avaialable in January
      • New alignment implies re-starting tracking-related calibrations: TPC drift velocities, ...
    • Sector-by-sector TPC GridLeak needs to be finalized (You do not have access to view this node via other high luminosity datasets)
    • ...and the rest of the usual calibrations (TOF, TPC dE/dx, hit errors [though new for HFT])
