Reproduction of pp 62.4 GeV Run 6


I looked at test sample of pp 62 GeV run 6 that was reproduced using new library SL11d. Some QA plots and a comparison between new (P11id) and old production (P06ie) were done and plots are shown here. By now, my focus will be primary vertex and multiplicity.



Old Production: P06ie (full production)

  • Total of events (in MuDst files): 22,628,776
  • Events with trigger Id = 147001 (Minimum bias (MB) events): 7,836,580 (~34.6 % of total events)
  • Events with PV found: 2,155,902 (~27.5 % of MB events)
  • Events with only 1 PV: 2,145,654 (~27 % of MB events)


 New Production: P11id (test sample)

  • Total of events (in MuDst files): 7,166,107
  • Events with trigger Id = 147001 (Minimum bias (MB) events): 1,953,787 (~27.3 % of total events)
  • Events with PV found: 1,842,167 (~94.3 % of MB events)
  • Events with only 1 PV: 236,503 (~12.1 % of MB events)



For all plots showed here, I used the same run number to compare both production, and the primary vertex used is the standard PV returned by StMuDst::primaryVertex(), that is the PV with highest ranking among those PV found in such event.


Primary Vertex


  • Number of Primary Vertex
All PV (Linear scale) All PV (Log scale) Ranking>0 Ranking<0




  • Ranking
  P11id P06ie
Ranking<0 For old production, ranking less than zero is only -9999 that was a flag I put for those events with no PV found.







































In the first plot (upper left panel - ranking for all in P11id), we see 3 different ranges:

  • Close to 1000 x 103: standard return from StMuPrimaryVertex::Ranking();
  • Close to 0: scale used was bad to visualize, but all this entries are -9999, that was a flag that I put in my code when no PV was found.
  • Close to 1000x103: standard return from StMuPrimaryVertex::Ranking()




  • Ranking vs Number of Primary Vertices



  • Delta-z between PV candidates



  • Primary Vertex Position
  pvZ pvX pvY
nPV=1 and Ranking>0      



Multiplicity (Refmult) 


  • Comparison between old and new production
All MB events Events with at least 1 PV Events with only 1 PV



Ranking>0 Ranking<0



  • Refmult for P11id




Matching to BBC, BEMC, EEMC


New (P11id) Old (P06ie)



Number ot TPC Matched tracks


All (normalized) Ranking > 0 Ranking < 0


Link to previous QA: