Reproduction of Run 6 p+p 62.4 GeV Using SL12a


It is my report for the first look at new test sample of p+p 62.4 GeV (Run 6) reproduced under library SL12a. This sample was done after the issue related to a loss of backward compatibility in reconstruction EEMC and BEMC hits has been fixed. Just for reference and comparison, QA for previous test sample (using SL11d) can be found clicking here.

In this blog, I am showing plots comparing newest reproduction of p+p 62.4 GeV (P12ia) with the original one (P06ie). Others QA plots for event-wise and track parameters is available here.

Basic Information

 New production - P12ia (test sample)

  • Total in MuDst files: ~7 M events.
  • Minimum bias (MB trigger Id = 147001): ~1.9 M events
  • MB with at least 1 PV and positive ranking: 550,334 events
  • MB with at least 1 PV and negative ranking: 1,291,517
  • MB wit h no PV: 111,936

Original production (P06ie):

  • Total in MuDst files: ~22 M events.
  • Minimum bias (trigger Id = 147001): ~7.8 M events.
  • Minimum bias for same run numbers as in P12i): ~1.9 M
  • Minimum bias for same run numbers as in P12ia, at least 1 PV and positive ranking: 507,923
  • Minimum bias for same run numbers as in P12ia, at least 1 PV and negative ranking: 0
  • Minimum bias for same run numbers as in P12ia and no PV: 1,407,467

Next plots show the comparison between new and original production and they were done using same run numbers. Also, I used only events with positive primary vertex ranking.

Primary Vertex

  •  Ranking: For old production, we have only positive ranking and values at -9999 (flag for events with no primary vertex). In new production, we have 3 ranges.
  1. Close to 1000 x 103: standard return from StMuPrimaryVertex::Ranking();
  2. Close to 0: scale used was bad to visualize, but all this entries are -9999, that was a flag that I put in my code when no PV was found;
  3. Close to 1000x103: standard return from StMuPrimaryVertex::Ranking(); 

Figure 1: Ranking.

Old Production
New Production


  • Number of primary vertex.
Figure 2: Number of primary vertex.

All Ranking Ranking > 0 Ranking < 0 and not -9999


  • Primary Vertex Position: I show here, the X, Y, Z and Radial primary vertex position for events with at least 1 PV found.
Figure 3: Position of primary vertex.



  • z-Distance: Distance in z-direction between different primary vertex. For events with more than 2 primary vertex, it takes the vertex closer to PV used.
Figure 4: z-distance.




  •  Refmult:
Figure 4: Multiplicity

Ranking > 0 Ranking < 0 and not -9999


  • Number of TPC matched tracks:
Figure 5: TPC matched tracks.

Ranking > 0 Ranking < 0 and not -9999


  • Number of EEMC and BEMC matched tracks:
Figure 6: BEMC and EEMC matching.

  Ranking > 0 Ranking < 0 and not -9999