PWG QA for K0 Short at pp 62.4 GeV (Run 6)


It is the PWG QA for test sample of K0 Short embedding at p+p collisions at 62.4 GeV. The real data was reproduced under SL12a library and embedding also was done in same library.


Event Information:

  • Number of Primary Vertex
Embedding Production Real Production


  • Ranking variable
Embedding Production
Real Production
  • Primary Vertex Position


  • Refmult



K0 Short:

  • MC Info
pT Rapidity


  • Invariant Mass


  • Peak Information


Mean and width


  • Topological Parameters
V0 DecayLength DCA V0 to PV Dca Pos. to PV Dca Neg. to PV Dca V0 Daughters


  • Efficiency


  • Corrected pT Spectra (Not normalized by number of events)