phi-meson global spin alignment AuAu27GeV Run 18 cross check

CWR and Gavin histogram comparison for same event: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/SE_GAVIN_CWR_COMPARISON_27GEV_RUN18(1).pdf
CWR and Gavin histogram ratios for same event: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/SERATIO_GAVIN_CWR_COMPARISON_27GEV_RUN18(1).pdf


Slides summarizing cuts, procedure, and final results: 

Same Event (black), Mixed Event (red), and Same - Mixed Event (blue) in cos(θ*) bins and smaller pT bins:

We then sum the Same - Mixed Event histograms into larger pT bins. We fit the invariant mass distribution with a Breit-Wigner + poly1 function and extract ρ00. 

Invariant mass distributions for cos(θ*) bins and larger pT bins. Fit for ρ00 extraction is also shown: 