Paper proposal: Collision energy and system size dependence of longitudinal flow de-correlation at RHIC
Title: Collision energy and system size dependence of longitudinal flow de-correlation at RHIC
PAs: Gaoguo Yan, Zhenyu Chen, Shengli Huang, Jiangyong Jia, Michael Lisa, Xiaoyu Liu, Maowu Nie, Li Yi
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Target journal: PRL
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The ATLAS Collaboration published longitudinal flow de-correlation in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 and sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02TeV and Xe+Xe collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44TeV.
While there is no experimental measurement of longitudinal flow de-correlation in RHIC energies. RHIC has Beam Energy Scan program, the energy from 7-200GeV and various collision species, Au+Au, Zr+Zr, Ru+Ru, U+U and so on. We present measurements of longitudinal flow de-correlation in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) =200, 54.4, 27 and 19.6GeV to study collision energy dependence. We present measurements of longitudinal flow de-correlation in isobar and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) =200 to study system size dependence.
Figure 1:
Fig.1: The r_n(eta)(n=2,3) compared between the Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6 (black), 27 (red), 54.4 (blue) and 200 (pink) GeV in centrality bins: 0-10% and 10-40%. For r_2(eta) (top panels), 3.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 (3.1 < eta_ref < 4.0 ) is selected in 19.6, 27 and 200 GeV (54.4GeV). For r_3(eta) (bottom panels), 2.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 (2.5 < eta_ref < 4.0 ) is selected in 19.6, 27 and 200 GeV (54.4GeV). The error bars and shaded boxes are statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The dashed lines denote the linear fitting.
Figure 2:
Fig.2: The r_n(eta/y_beam) (n=2,3) compared between the Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6 (black), 27 (red), 54.4 (blue) and 200 (pink) GeV in centrality bins: 0-10% and 10-40%. For r_2(eta) (top panels), 3.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 (3.1 < eta_ref < 4.0 ) is selected in 19.6, 27 and 200 GeV (54.4GeV). For r_3(eta) (bottom panels), 2.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 (2.5 < eta_ref < 4.0 ) is selected in 19.6, 27 and 200 GeV (54.4GeV). The error bars and shaded boxes are statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively.
Figure 3:
Fig.3: The r_n(eta)(n=2,3) (n=2,3) compared between the Zr+Zr (red), Ru+Ru (blue) and Au+Au (black) collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV in centrality bins: 0-10% and 10-40%. For r_2(eta) (top panels), 3.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 is selected. For r_3(eta) (bottom panels), 2.1 < |eta_ref| < 5.1 is selected. The error bars and shaded boxes are statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The dashed lines denote the linear fitting.
Measurement of longitudinal flow de-correlation in isobar(Zr+Zr and Ru+Ru) collisions at 200 GeV and AuAu collisions at 19.6, 27, 54.4, 200 GeV.
1).The r_n(eta) decrease linearly with eta
2).The r_2(eta) shows centrality dependence, but no centrality dependence for r_3(eta)
3).Lower collisions energy has larger longitudinal flow de-correlation
4).For r_2(eta): small system size has larger longitudinal de-correlation
5).For r_3eta) : No clear system size dependence
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