QM2018 - Heavy-flavor tagged jet poster


Comments and answers (April 26, 2018, implemented in Version 1.1)

  • Why the HFT figure is included in the introduction?
    • HFT is the major component (or addition) of STAR, which enables the current measurement. I wanted to show the brief structure of HFT to explain its contribution. 
  • Why different MisId ranges are picked for pT and eta dependence plots?
    • This is mainly due to the nature of efficiency/MisId entries for the moment. For example, TC,2nd of c-jet does not have an efficiency entry between MisId range [0.6, 0.7], and TC,2nd of b-jet does not have an efficiency entry between [0.5, 0.6]. Once we increase the statistics and use finer binning for the TC,2nd distribution, it is possible to fill out gaps between entries in the current efficiency/MisId plot. The current choice of MisId ranges ensures at least the existence of entries from all tagging algorithms. (I tried not to intrapolate the efficiency values from the current efficiency/MisId entries for these plots.) 
  • Do we know the misidentified jet profile? If we use HF-jet instead of c- or b-jet, does the tagging performance get improved?
    • For b-(c-)tagging, c-(b-)jets are often misidentified as b-(c-)jets. If we combine b- and c-jets as HF-jet, tagging performance improves as following:
  • Can pT range of efficiency/impurity plots be increased to show better performance?
    • Yes, and implemented in Version 1.1 (6 < p_T^jet < 60.0 GeV/c is now used.)
  • What is the <pT> of c- and b-jets? 
    • Following plot shows <pT> of light-flavor, c-, and b-jets in each pT bin
    • Light-flavor jets have slightly larger mean pT than c- and b-jets. 
    • Particularly for pT bin [10, 60], mean jet pT is near the lower bound of pT bin range (~12 GeV/c). This implies that most contributions to the efficiency/MisId are from lower pT jets. 
  • How will you answer the question, "given the low eff and high misId prob., haven't you shown STAR cannot do this analysis?"
    • I will prepare an answer for this question. (I need some time...) 
  • What about making font much larger and reduce the number of words? Although it's up to you. (Suggestion by Kolja)
    • I would like to keep the current style, as I want the poster to be self-explanatory. I will reduce the number of words to the level of a compromise between self-explanatory and general poster style in the next version.

 Comments and answers (May 3, 2018, implemented in Version 2)

 Comments and answers (May 3, 2018, implemented in Version 3)

 Comments and answers (May 3, 2018, implemented in Version 4)



 Comments and answers (May 6, 2018, implemented in Version 5)