2015-09-18 weekly meeting minutes
1. srikanta, no new update since last time. After corrected some differences between Srikanth and Liwen, there are still deviations compared with Xianglei’s efficiency. Srikanth and xianglei will compare code directly, if needed conveners will join to discussion.
2. Xianglei, Xi at 39 GeV has been done. Lambda and its feed-down from omega has not been done yet. 27 GeV has not been done yet, expected to finish in 2 weeks.
3. pi/k/p in 14.5 GeV comparison:
TOF efficiency:
Daniel Numerator: TPC track + match flag >=1 + |ylocal|<10 + |zlocal|<10 + tof > 0.
Debadeepti Numerator: TPC track + match flag >0 + beta != -999.
Debadeepti is using |nsigma| < 2 cuts for pi/k/p to obtain the individual eff. Daniel is using a 2d fit to obtain the individual eff.
4. Ning and Rihan have agreed to use the same feed-down correction from embedding, it makes the difference in 2-3% for B2 results.
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