Roman pots alignment from the data - figures.

After my exercises with the alignment, I beleive I have succedded. For everybody to be able to look at numerious plots coming from this II made some toy, attached to this post.

A note with the results is also attached.

The attached archive has 6 files, which :

alignment_noshift.root  - figures with survey RP positioning only.
alignment_local.root - figures after local alignment was applied.
alignment_global.root - figures after global alignment was applied.
alignment_global_leffonly.root - figures with global alignemnt, but without nondiagonal terms in transport matrix.
DrawAlign.C - root macro to run the toy
DrawAlignSub.C - root subroutines, used in the toy


You can unpack it:

tar xzf RP_alignment.tgz

and run:

root DrawAlign.C

Then you will have a menu to make various plots:

the top 4 buttons select different root-files. Next 3 buttons select type of plot:

Delta - difference in the corrdinates, measured by horizontal - vertical RPs in the overlapping area for the same elastic event.

XY - east + west coordinates elastic correlation

SXSY - Theta_X/Y east - west elastic correlation

Next 2 buttons allow you to see plots for particular run or for all runs

Next 2 buttons allow to select "Delat" plots for east/west RPs

Next 4 buttons allow to select particular arm (named after east RP) for "XY" and "SXSY" plots.

Next 4 buttons allow to select particular overlapping region for "Delta" plots.

Next 3 buttons allow to select 2D-plot (for "run" mode only) or particular coordinate.

The last 4 buttons allow to go through different runs in the "run" mode.

Have a fun!