Comparison of PYTHIA embedding to data for run15 p+Au \sqrt{s} = 200 GeV collisions

v0: Comparison for three jet radii of raw data to embedding differentially in jet rapidity, jet pT, jet mass, and event activity as determined by the inner BBCE detector, in order to test if the unfolding will work out-of-the box so to speak, given that it won't exactly model the data effects.

v2: The embedded jet mass is seen to be significantly different from the data jet mass, so we look next at whether this is due to high-Q^2 contamination from the p+Au MB background into the embedded PYTHIA jets, which turns out not to be the case. So this leaves only the soft contribution to take care of, which will require a weighting by ref. mult. / UE and possibly iBBCEsum as well. See other slides uploaded here called "inspiration_for_pA_analysis_from_old_HP_procedure" in which we recall the old analysis procedure (including the weighting mentioned above) on the internal embedding that we used for Hard Probes '20, to see what will change for this official STAR embedding procedure.