Suggestions for Priority Production of st_physics Stream for STAR Run 2022 Based On STAR 2017 BEMC Calibration

Summary (Note attached, WIP as of 2022/11/10)
1. The geometric vetoing of BEMC cells adjacent to the triggering cell granted access to high pT electrons for BEMC calibration free of trigger threshold effects.
2. In order to fully utilize this improved acceptance and access to high-pT electrons, which ultimately impacts precision of momentum dependence in the absolute BEMC calibration, it is important to include as much data in the calibration effort as possible.
3. STAR Run 2017 was separated into three smaller periods: luminosity ramp-up period was isolated into Period 1, and the remaining period was split into two (Period 2 and 3) for optimal systematic time-dependence.
4. About 50% of Period 1 and 30% of Period 2 and 3 were needed to study momentum-dependence in average E/p of electrons in the momentum region p < 6 GeV.
The ramp-up period is typically much shorter than the luminosity level-off. This motivated the larger fraction of data needed for Period 1.
5. Large (> 3%) charge dependence in <E/p> and fill-by-fill charge number asymmetry were found.
6. This was resolved by additionally correcting the TPC space charge calibration based on the charge number asymmetry from 7 different fills separated throughout the entire Run 2017 approximately in a uniform manner.

Based on the notes from 2017 calibration, the following suggestions for priority production of st_physics stream for STAR Run 2022 can be made:
1. About 50% of data need to be produced during the STAR Run 2022 luminosity ramp-up period and 30% for the rest.
Even though, Run 2022 is projected to be larger in size than 2017, the additional separation of Period 2 and 3 in 2017 was motivated by time-dependence in the absolute calibration due to tower degradation. This will most likely persist in Run 2022 and if so, about the same fraction of data will be needed and further separation of the luminosity level-off period will be required.
2. The produced data set needs to be spread out (approximately) uniformly throughout the span of Run 2022.
This is motivated by the need to investigate (1) whether a similar charge number asymmetry exists in high pT region in Run 2022 and (2) whether this occurs fill-by-fill as in 2017 and (3) if so, provide reference for secondary TPC space charge calibration.
3. The charge number asymmetry needs to be investigated prior to calibration effort in order to minimize the time it takes for the completion of BEMC calibration and start of physics analyses and the number of data reproduction.