sTGC Cluster QA in cosmics and first collision data

ClusterMaker had a few updates since last presentation:
- Remove duplicate hits (early bug since fixed in daq code)
- Fix hit sorting to disambiguate diagonal1 and diagonal2 strip directions.

NOT yet included Tonko's most recent fix - maybe some stale data in these events.

report_col.pdf shows only 4 runs from the first fast-offline production from collision data ( only Runs 22349017, 22349018, 22349028, 22349030 )
report_cosmic_FieldOFF.pdf shows runs from the cosmic data. I did not add HV mapping here.
ClusterViz_Run22332020.pdf shows hitADC distributions with the cluster drawn over top. Note, one small bug where a cluster was not drawn (it was found) is already fixed now.

I am in the process of running over all the collider data and will update when that is ready.
NOTE: I am working with Zhen to add efficiency vs. HV, will be ready soon.