Clusters Per Event against HV for varying cluster threshold

Here are some plots I made of clusters per event against HV. There are 8 plots in total, 4 for the R plane and 4 for the phi plane. Each R and phi has been made for a specific cluster threshold, noted in the title of the plot. For reference, cluster threshold is the parameter in the clusterfinder that determines how many sigma after the pedestal are accepted into the cluster. Cluster threshold of 0.6 refers to 3 sigma, and cluster threshold 1 refers to 5 sigma. I ran for cluster thresholds of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.

You can see that as cluster threshold is raised, the number of clusters per event is suppressed which was expected from my previous studies. I was looking for the clusters per event to plateau as cluster threshold was raised, although this isn't really the case. At low cluster threshold the clusters per event increase by about 2 over the HV range, but at large cluster threshold the clusters per event still increase by about 1 over the HV range. This isn't really conclusive enough to say that as we increase cluster threshold, the clusters per event are plateauing because the clusters per event are also being suppressed by the increasing cluster threshold.