Run 14 14.x GeV readiness
A request to produce the 14 GeV data from Run 14 was made. The goal is to assess how many good events (considering a real analysis) we have on tape. In principle after finishing the 200 GeV data taking, we could come back to the 14.6GeV collisions if there still time, within the 22-cryo-week. In order to request more beam time, we would need to have the results before the end of the 200 GeV run.
The parameters are
R_CP, v1, v2, net-proton kurtosis
Alex will coordinate - analyzers are
- Pandit Yadav - v1
- Evan Sangaline - R_CP
- Alex Schma - v2
- Hiroshi Masui - v2
- Xiofeng Luo - Net proron Kurtosis
Alex will coordinate - analyzers are
- Pandit Yadav - v1
- Evan Sangaline - R_CP
- Alex Schma - v2
- Hiroshi Masui - v2
- Xiofeng Luo - Net proron Kurtosis
Detector needed:
- rough TPC calibration needed only: TPC and Twist, as fast as possible (and time constrained to the timeline below) SC&GL, BeamLine as applies, no dE/dx
- TOF rough calibration only (alignment to TPC)
- rough TPC calibration needed only: TPC and Twist, as fast as possible (and time constrained to the timeline below) SC&GL, BeamLine as applies, no dE/dx
- TOF rough calibration only (alignment to TPC)
High level timeline:
To be ready by the end of May
Data sample:
production_15GeV_2014 340.53 M
Production estimates (Lidia): CPU/evt for auau 15GeV is roughly ~4sec - at 25% of our farm it will take ~10 days
Production estimates (Lidia): CPU/evt for auau 15GeV is roughly ~4sec - at 25% of our farm it will take ~10 days
- Today's date: March 15th
- Let us assume May 15th all is wrapped up.
- Analyzer would need at least 2 weeks - let us assume 3 weeks (50% contingency)
=> data needs to be ready in the week of April 23rd) - Production taking about 2 weeks would imply a start of production on April 9th
- We have 3 weeks to prepare ...
- Best try for calibration need to be limited to 2 weeks from now
(early target allows leaving some breathing room in case of bad surprises / if we set our minds to 3 weeks, we will miss the target)
We need a status update at S&C meeting as far calibration status goes on the 19th and 26th ... possible the 2nd of April, we should be in good shape.
We need
- To refine the dataset needed (all data? some streams?)
- Make sure we have a tester list (names, who's doing what - this may be important for analysis priority, disk space arrangements, ...)
- The TOF folks need to be on standby - what (timing) calibration can be achieved within 2 weeks?
- The HFT geometry in Sti sorted out
Attention: we already had this as a task for the second part of the Run 13 data BUT for Run 14, we now have IST and SSD
Note: Dmitri aware
- jeromel's blog
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