Old dataset reproduction time

  • p+Au 200 GeV run 2015 st_ssdmb: CPU/evt = 14.4 sec; Nevt = 530M ; 11 days
    p+Al 200 GeV run 2015 st_ssdmb: CPU/evt = 19.2 sec; Nevt = 157M ; 6 days
  • p+p 200 GeV run 2015 st_rp stream data with TOF matching tracks and VFStore:100; P17if production; CPU/evt = 11.7 sec; Nevt = 948M ;  14 days
  • Au+Au 200 GeV run 2014 st_physics data reproduction with selected trigger ID and without HFT tracking P17id production; CPU/evt = 7.2 sec; Nevt = 1806M ; 16 days
  • Au+Au 200 GeV run 2014 st_zerobias, P18ib production; CPU/evt = 11.5 sec; Nevt = 21.3M ; 4 days
  • cosmic data run 2017 for MTD calibrations: CPU/evt = 0.54 sec; Nevt = 165M ; 4 days
  • p+p 500 GeV run 2009 low luminosity, P17ih production, very small dataset only 159 files,  will take ~1 day to complete (there is NO need to prioritize this trictky as it can only be run in parralele of other sets)
  • Cu+Cu 62 GeV run 2005 reproduction (not auau 62GeV as in your file) with Sti, P17ii production: CPU/evt = 6.2 sec; Nevt = 38.5M ; 4 days
  • Cu+Cu 22 GeV very small dataset , will take ~1 day;

All datasets run 2005 -2009 can saturate ~2-3000 slots only, as well as cosmic data and zerobias, so processing will take longer than above noted numbers as the estimates assumed 12 k slots. Best is to combine with a steady production.