Xrootd datasets, 201602 check

Current datasets in Xrootd, in red possibly redundant sets we could (should) drop.
For more information on production series, see the production summary page for Real Data production.

Production / sample Comment Num Files Size (TB) Num Files Size (TB) File %tage Size %tage
P15ik RP and FMS streams from Run 15 (d+Au and p+p) 108864 216.82 108869 216.96 100.00 100.06
P15ie Au+Au 200 MTD Run14, Cu+Au 200 Run12 743307 1534.17 759691 1566.92 102.20 102.13
P15ic Au+Au 200 Run 14 (HLT and PHYSICS stream with HFT on, no SST) 291036 741.28 306262 781.55 105.23 105.43
P14ii 14 GeV Run14 47252 35.6 51462 39.64 108.91 111.35
P14ig, year=2013 p+p 500 Run 13 (days 129-161) 259821 472.94 295810 547.47 113.85 115.76
P14ia p+p 500 GeV Run 13 (days 76-126 – no HFT geometry) 261588 542.63 286407 600.84 109.49 110.73
P13ib Cu+Au 62 GeV Run 05, p+p 500 GeV Run 12 239614 471.11 297471 608.17 124.15 129.09
P12id, trgsetupname=pp200_production_2012 Redundant (but not a problem – will cause a double check of this serie) 105283 195.64 138957 255.75 131.98 130.72
P12id UU 193GeV and pp 200GeV run 2012 246264 588.22 340344 852.24 138.20 144.88