Run 17 QA Jan 2023

 Here is the powerpoint overviewing the progress on the run 17 QA so far. We have analyzed the following values:

-towers above threshold  for BTT1_VPDMB, BTT2_VPDMB, BTT3_VPDMB, and BHT1, 2, 3
- trigger rate for JP0, 1, 2, and BHT1, 2, 3
- avg track pt
- avg track eta
- avg track phi
- avg tower Et
- avg tower eta
- avg tower phi
- avg primary vertex z
- avg NT0
- avg (# VPD hits - # good VPD hits)
- avg (# good VPD hits / # VPD hits)
- avg (last T0 candidate - first T0 candidate)
- avg (NT0 candidate - NT0)
- avg (NT0 / NT0 candidate)
- avg TOF n_sig(pi) for each tray

I've attached two pdfs. The main pdf details the more major findings, while the detailed is documents smaller issues, which a focus on runs with higher an average trigger rates.