Run 17 QA

 Here is the powerpoint overviewing the progress on the run 17 QA so far. The powerpoint includes:, and the pdf of the ToF nSigPi trays.

-towers above threshold  for BTT1_VPDMB, BTT2_VPDMB, BTT3_VPDMB, and BHT1, 2, 3
- trigger rate for JP0, 1, 2, and BHT1, 2, 3
- avg track pt
- avg track eta
- avg track phi
- avg tower Et
- avg tower eta
- avg tower phi
- avg primary vertex z
- avg NT0
- avg (# VPD hits - # good VPD hits)
- avg (# good VPD hits / # VPD hits)
- avg (last T0 candidate - first T0 candidate)
- avg (NT0 candidate - NT0)
- avg (NT0 / NT0 candidate)
- avg TOF n_sig(pi) for each tray (powerpoint includes some characteristic trays as an example, while the Run17ToFTrays.pdg contains all trays)

I've also attached a pdf that lists points we are considering excluding. The points are listed along with the detectors that displayed issues and any relevant shift log entries.

Run17BadTowerIDs gives gives Tower ID's found to correspond to potential hot tower or towers in failure states, which cause unphysical behavior in Tower Et, Eta, and Phi data.

5-11-2022: The sources of the spike and the shift in the ToF data seem to be understood, as detailed in the ToF update pdf.