Hot EMC towers QA, run13 P14ia

For W analysis, the hot tower in BEMC and EEMC will cause non-ignorable problems. On one hand, the hot towers will show false signal as high ET  which will be uncorrectly tagged as W candidates. One the other hand, the hot towers will impact the Jet reconstruction which will change the value of sign-PT-balance, and futher impact the efficiency of pT-balance cut.  Usually, the EMC group have finished this job, and the hot towers have been masked in DB tables. Just in case, we want to check this one more based on the produced MuDst files. 

The macro used in this procedure are from Kevin.  

1) Access the EMC information from MuDst files and plot the BEMC spectrum and EEMC spectrum to count the number of hits on each tower.  ET> 2GeV
2) Find out the hot/warm tower.  firstly, search the towers which contains more than 20% hits. secondly, search the towers where the number of hits is 10 time larger than the average hits. 
3) plot the adc spectrum, pedestal, gain of the "hot" towers found in last step and compare with good towers

Here is the runlist with hot tower ID. BEMC and EEMC 

Here is the directory contains all the adc spectrum of the hot towers. 

Tower 790 is a typical hot tower for a lot of runs. 
This it the hit spectrum of example run 14083045. 

and the adc spectrum for the "spike" towers.