QT corruption (after strain relief to fix clock signals)

 After the strain relief fix for the QT crates we have seen QT corruption on the following runs:

In all cases, Akio's RCC timing plots do not show any problems (presumably because the errors occured after the timing plot entries end)

18063005  pp500_production_2017 * 1 corrupted event in the MIX crate
* production run firing @ 1.4khz
18065012 pp500_production_2017 * 2khz, then FMS triggers fire at 6.3khz
18065027 akio_fms17 * 3khz, then suddenly FMS triggers fire at 7.5khz
18065028 akio_fms17 * 3khz, then suddenly FMS triggers fire at 5.5khz
18065029 pp500_production_2017 * 2khz, then suddenly FMS triggers fire at 6khz
18066027 akio_fms17 * 3khz throughout run

The middle 4 runs are easy to understand.  The reason the corruption occured is because suddenly the FMS triggers started to run away at the RHIC clock frequency, which caused the readout to overrun the maximum rates.

The other 2 runs had interesting and different failure modes:

Run 18066027:  Here the rates never increased.  However it appears that there was a clock glitch that ONLY affected QT4, but unlike the pre-strain relief glitches it did not lead to a stuck RCC counter.   Instead afte about 132k evts into the run suddenly the QT4 clock set to 0, but then started counting normally:

evt         qt4 counter
---         ------------

132730 0x1da2e8b2
132731 0x1da30536 
132732 0x1da309af
---->   QT4 clock reset to 0, but continues to count correctly....
132733 0x7df 
132734 0xb6a
132735 0x16b7
132736 0x1af6

I have no understanding of what would cause this.

Here is a plot that shows that the QT4 counter (aside from the offset) is still counting, and that in fact no events should have been truly corrupted:
(On the plot I show the QT4 timing as well as its timing with the offset subtracted.  


I also took a look at one of the runs where the FMS trigger ran away.   here, it was obvious why the corruption could occur, but I wanted to see the details of how it actually happened:

Run 18065028:

Here, after about 1.445e6 events, the trigger rate ran away.   I'll first plot the QT sizes:

You see that, most likely something readout by QT2 was the culprit.   After the increase in rates the QT2 occupancy goes way up, while the occupancy of the other crates goes way down (because they aren't real events!)    The QT2 size, however, seems to go through some relatively quick decay, and then plataue.

In the timing you see the same exact feature, and in fact once the size of the QT2 gets down to 50% or so we don't see any more wrap around corruption (though obviously the data is bad for some other reason).   Even in this pathological run the number of corrupted events is rather small.

Run 18063005:

This was a physics run at 1.4khz.   There was a single wrap-around corrupted event (in the MIX) crate.   This was the very last event.
It turns out that the reason the run stopped was a problem in the MIX crate:

[l2ana01  01:40:23 063] (l2new): INFO: sendToDaq.c [line 439]: Mean sendToDaq time for last 10000 events: 8.385200 musecs
[l2ana01  01:40:31 063] (l2new): INFO: sendToDaq.c [line 439]: Mean sendToDaq time for last 10000 events: 8.934300 musecs
[mix      01:40:37 063] (tCon): ERROR: mvmeIrqLib.c [line 435]: VME DMA Bus Error: status 0x0000026F.
[mix      01:40:37 063] (tCon): WARNING: uniDmaJMN.C [line 158]: Universe DMA semaphore timed out.
[mix      01:40:37 063] (tCon): CAUTION: dsmControl.C [line 446]: Slow DMA error. Timer 17197 microsec, buffer index 0, DSM Addr 0x3d9d
[mix      01:40:37 063] (tCon): CRITICAL: ravenMpic.c [line 503]: PCI Bus Error: status: 0x01, PPC address: 0x20000000, taskId 0x1D3C688
[mix      01:40:37 063] (tCon): CRITICAL: mvmeIrqLib.c [line 472]: EXCEPTION: Task 0x01D3C688 suspended, exception 0xFF000001.
[l2ana01  01:40:37 063] (l2new): CAUTION: l2new.c [line 1241]: Corrupt Trigger Data Event : Token 238, Crate MIX (Event Ctr 0xda653d9d, Read
out Ctr 0xda67a261)
[l2ana01  01:40:37 063] (l2new): CAUTION: l2new.c [line 1776]: Event timed out by 66 ms, Token 8 MIX
[l2ana01  01:40:37 063] (l2new): CAUTION: l2new.c [line 1776]: Event timed out by 85 ms, Token 17 MIX
[l2ana01  01:40:37 063] (l2new): CAUTION: l2new.c [line 1776]: Event timed out by 75 ms, Token 19 MIX

So, apparently the final successful event was delayed, but it caused a general upheaval of the system....

The timing, overall, looked good.   Here are the plots:

Other than this event, the readout seemed to be very well behaved!