HOWTO: Override particle definition in geant

MACRO y2006h library=$STAR_LIB root=1

   DETP geom y2006h
   make geometry
   gclos all

   Application DATA gstar_upart.g
     Module gstar_upart "Sets W+ --> e+ nu as the only allowed decay for W+"
     Author JCW
     Created 02/01/2010
     Particle W_plus_enu  code=42 trktyp=4 mass=80.398 charge=1.0  tlife=0.31600E-24 pdg=24,
              bratio={ 1.0, },
              mode={ 02 04, }
   gexec gstar_upart.g

   * usual starsim stuff...
bratio is an array of up to 6 values, giving the fraction of each decay mode.
mode is an array of integers specifying the decay mode.  It takes the form of: 
     mode = CC BB AA
where AA is the geant ID of the first decay daughter, BB is the geant ID of the second decay daughter and CC is the geant ID of the third decay daughter (if applicable).